domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013


I've been feeling terrible because of some personal issues my family has gone through. This has been reflected on my performance at work, school, and personal pursues, but I'll try not to be dragged by all these problems. I'll try as much as I can to focus on work and start a photography project. Last year I had a series of portraits I wanted to produce and they're still on paper, terribly drawn.

About the photos. Yesterday I went to the Unitarian Universalist Church in Brownsville with my boyfriend and his friends. I've never been to that place to be honest, I heard about it many times before but never went there. I fell in love with the garden! It made a small place look enormous. The guy in the last picture is Grady, he's the caretaker of the place (or that's what I understood). My boyfriend is currently working on another musical project so these guys went to rehearse there, while I talked with some girls I just met there. I ended up having a long conversation with a girl who started to talk about her problems, and I was glad I got to help her, at least so she could be listened to. It was very unfamiliar of me to approach new people but I just felt like doing so, I've been feeling terrible these days.

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