sábado, 26 de enero de 2013


So this year seems to have started great. I finally got a job at the University and I'm super nervous! I'll be the studio steward that  means I'll have to take care of all things related to materials used by art students. My "supervisor" who's not going to supervise me at all (?) explained a lot of things in such a short amount of time; I couldn't remember most of it to be honest, especially the indications given to me towards the ceramics and photography room. I'm so nervous since I've never taken ceramics or photography course, I know nothing about maintenance of all the equipment, clays, and materials... I really don't want to screw up. On the other hand, I'll get paid, and a very fair amount, which will allow me to upgrade my equipment very, very soon and I couldn't be more excited! Plus, I'll get to know about materials, processes and just anything related to art off the record without having to take the classes.

I also might be comissioned to do some photodocumentary work for a local theatre association that will be presenting a play in April. I'm very nervous because of the low light conditions I'll have to endure with my limited equipment, but hopefull by that time I'll have some new gear to use. Hopefully. 

I can't wait to start working and also, I can't wait to get my first payment. I have a lot of things I want to do and I will finally be able to plan these out! If everything turns out well, by the end of this year I'll have:

      -Canon 5D Mark II
      -Canon TS-E 45mm f/2.8
      -Canon EF 50mm f/1.2 L USM 

And I'll might be able to schedule for a photography seminar here in México in December. Save for a trip to SE Asia for 2014, and whatever comes next.

I feel silly for planning ahead and having all these high expectations but I think it is a good strategy for me in order to give it a 100% at the job and everything else in general.

Anyways, here are some photos of my niece Matilda:

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